Do we regard our phones as parts of ourselves?

Dr. Kushlev’s paper, “Antecedents and Consequences of Smartphone Self-Extension,” explores the unanswered questions of how smartphone self-extension (the extent to which we regard our possessions as parts of ourselves) develops overtime and what it is able to predict. The psychological connection between mobile media and the self has long been studied with cross-sectional designs, but this study utilized a longitudinal approach to discern the relationship overtime. For example, Dr. Kushlev found that frequent smartphone use during boring situations most aptly predicted identity self-extension. In other words, using our phones when we’re bored represents the most readily available way to express our identities in boring situations. Think about it, when we’re bored, we’ll scroll through our favorite Pinterest board, watch a YouTube video, laugh at a funny meme, or text our best friend. All of these things may very well represent expressions of our identities.

This paper has recently been accepted with very positive reviews at the National Communication Association Conference! The NCA “promotes the widespread appreciation of the importance of communication in public and private life, the application of competent communication to improve the quality of human life and relationships, and the use of knowledge about communication to solve human problems.” This is a very promising acknowledgement of Dr. Kushlev’s work! To read the full preprint paper and the rest of the findings, click here.

May 2023 Newsletter

Take a look at our latest newsletter! It provides updates on our newest lab members, our recent publications, our new research on the impacts of virtual learning instruction, and more! Read here.

Which type of people tend to help others?

Have you ever helped a friend find a lost item? Or donated old clothes or toys to a charity? When you help someone, you are taking part in prosocial behaviors. In our study, we analyzed data to determine which factors relate to prosocial behavior. This article was published in the Science Journal for Kids and Teens. Click here.

How do personal devices shape our lives?

Dr. Kushlev spoke about how personal devices shape our personal lives in a podcast with the Marketing Science Institute. Dr. Kushlev’s interview is the second in this podcast and can also be found on Apple and Spotify in addition to the MSI website. Listen here.